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Symposium on Degradation, Restoration and Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems

Oct 25, 2010

Human-induced degradation of natural forests is one of the most significant threats to biodiversity of our planet. This situation is very serious in the natural forests of southwestern China, although a lot of efforts on the restoration of degraded forests in this region have been made in order to recover the ecosystem structures and functions. To increase understanding of forest degradation and restoration in tropical, subtropical and subalpine areas and achieve the sustainable forest management, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) will organize an international symposium focusing on the degradation, restoration and sustainable management of forest ecosystems. We sincerely welcome all the researchers who are interested in this thematic area to attend this symposium.

Organizer: Xishuangbanna Botanical Tropical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Date:   October 25-27, 2010

Venue:   Kunming, Yunnan Province, P.R. China

Language: English

Key Topics:

1.    Disturbance and forest change

2.    Assessment of the restoration potential of degraded forests

3.    New models of forest restoration and management

4.    Socio-Economic dimension of restoration

Tentative Program:

Oct. 25: Participants arrival, registration and reception

Oct. 26: Opening ceremony, all-day plenary session

Oct. 27: Morning: Half-day plenary session, closing ceremony

Afternoon: Visit Minority Nationality Villages. 

Evening: Participants who join in the post-symposium tour leave for XTBG.

Oct. 28: Participants leave Kunming.

Registration fee: RMB 400 or USD 60 per person (Including symposium package, accommodation, meals and entrance fee of Minority Nationality Villages).

Post-symposium tour (2 days/nights): Visit XTBG and an experimental restoration site located in XTBG, and travel to a canopy walkway approximately 100 km far away from XTBG.

Costs: USD 400 per person (including the air tickets of Kunming-Jinghong-Kunming, local transportation, accommodation, meals and entrance fee of the canopy walkway in Xishuangbanna).

Guidelines for Oral Presentation:

Participants are advised to prepare Microsoft Powerpoint presentation with a time slot of 30 minutes, which includes approximately 5 minutes for questions and discussions.

Please contact Dr. Luxiang Lin for registration form and send it back before September 20, 2010.


Dr. Luxiang Lin

88 Xuefu Road

Kunming 650223, P.R. China

Fax: +86-871-5160916

E-mail: linluxa@xtbg.ac.cn



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