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Research Progress

China Completes Construction of Steady High Magnetic Field Facility

Sep 29, 2017

China completes construction of Steady High Magnetic Field Facility, a project of China’s National 11th Five-Year Major Science and Technology Infrastructure constructed by High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHMFL). 

The project passed China’s national acceptance on Sep. 27th, 2017 in Hefei, Anhui. 

The completion of the project marks China's high magnetic field technology on a new level. China now has the irreplaceable means for scientists to carry out frontier research on condensed matter physics, magnetism, material science, chemistry, life science and medicine. 

"The successful testing of the Hefei Hybrid Magnet has placed China on the world map of international research in very high magnetic fields", said Hans Schneider Muntau, world famous high field magnet expert and former chief engineer of Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory of France and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the US. 

The project of building high magnetic field facility was jointly proposed by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education in 2005 and approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2008. 

After years of great efforts, CHMFL now has ten magnets, six measurement systems and extreme low temperature and high pressure experimental systems. 

It builds the world’s second hybrid magnet at 40-telsa level, three water-cooled magnets that set world records and world’s first three-in-one microscope SMA (scanning tunneling microscope - magnetic force microscope - atomic force microscopy), and establishes an advanced scientific experiment system, achieving a major breakthrough of China’s steady high magnetic technology. 

“CHMFL summarizes 10 years of enormous and exemplary efforts under the groundbreaking leadership, which were necessary to create know-how and competence in the generation and exploitation of very high magnetic fields", Hans Schneider Muntau said. 


Magnets (Image by SUN Ce) 

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