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Researches Reveal Novel Regulation of Major Oxygen Sensor, EGLN1

May 25, 2022

The working model of SET7-mediated methylation of EGLN1. (Image by IHB)

Under normoxia conditions, egg laying defective nine 1 (EGLN1), acting as an oxygen sensor, catalyzes prolyl hydroxylation of the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α (HIF1α), which results in its proteasomal degradation. Although EGLN1 plays a crucial role in the HIF-mediated hypoxia signaling pathway, the post-translational modifications that control EGLN1 function remain largely unknown.    

A research group led by Prof. XIAO Wuhan from the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences identified that EGLN1 prolyl hydroxylation of hypoxia-induced transcription factor HIF1α is repressed by SET7-catalyzed lysine methylation. The study was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.   

In this study, the researchers found that EGLN1 contains a SET7 targeting motif [(K/R) (S/T) K] in the catalytic domain (PH domain) of EGLN1. They also developed an antibody (anti-EGLN1-K297me1) to specifically recognize lysine 297 mono-methylation of EGLN1 and verified that SET7 interacts with EGLN1 to catalyze mono-methylation of EGLN1 on K297.   

They then compared the prolyl hydroxylase activity of wildtype and the methylation-mimic mutant of EGLN1 (K297F), and confirmed that the prolyl hydroxylase activity of EGLN1 is attenuated by SET7-mediated methylation.   

XIAO's team further analyzed the effect of methylation-mimic mutant of EGLN1 (K297F) on HIF1α-mediated hypoxia signaling and revealed that methylation of EGLN1 facilitates hypoxia adaptation, which might benefit cell proliferation.   

This study discovers a novel modification of EGLN1 that is critical for inhibiting its enzymatic activity, and may benefit cellular adaptation to conditions of hypoxia. 


XIAO Wuhan

Institute of Hydrobiology


EGLN1 prolyl hydroxylation of hypoxia-induced transcription factor HIF1α is repressed by SET7-catalyzed lysine methylation

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