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LIU Chenli Elected Ambassador of American Society for Microbiology

Mar 12, 2020

LIU Chenli, director of the Institute of Synthetic Biology under the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), an affliated institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and president of Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology Innovation, was appointed as the Ambassador of American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Country Ambassador to China for his “remarkable academic experience, demonstrated leadership”. 

LIU Chenli “join a growing network of 90 Country Ambassadors at the center of ASM’s efforts to foster the dissemination and development of microbiological knowledge around the world,” according to the appointment letter from ASM.

After Post-doctoral fellow in Harvard University, LIU Chenli initiated the Institute of Synthetic Biology at SIAT in 2017. LIU focuses his research on bacterial cancer therapy, bacterial cell cycle, and directed evolution, and his research team collaborated with scientists from Germany, Japan and America on synthetic biology. 

He serves as editorial advisory board member of ACS Synthetic Biology and Quantitative Biology, and is also Chief scientist of Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Core Facility, deputy director of Synthetic Biology Specialized Committee in Chinese Society of Bioengineering, and chairman of Shenzhen Synthetic Biology Association.

"In addition to strengthening ASM’s connection within the local scientific community, you will have the opportunity to foster collaboration at a global level through your fellow ASM Country Ambassadors,” said Steven Specter, Chair of ASM Membership Committee, in the appointment letter.

With over 30,000 members, including researchers, educators and health professionals, ASM is one of the oldest and largest single life science society in the world. The mission of ASM is to “promote and advance the microbial sciences.”

The Ambassador Program is an integral part of ASM’s mission of contributing to the advancement of microbiology worldwide. The role of an International Ambassador is to provide an official in-country presence on behalf of ASM. The appointment will be for a three-year term.



American Society for Microbiology

Institute of Synthetic Biology of SIAT

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