Recently, Prof. LIN Xu's group from Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health of Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with SUN Qi from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, revealed the association between erythrocyte PUFAs and 6-yr incident metabolic syndrome (MetS), a constellation of cardiometabolic risks.
A research team led by Prof. XU Jian from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology has discovered two novel diacylglyceryl transferases (DGAT2s) that preferentially attach LA and EPA, respectively, to the glycerol backbone to form TAGs.
Recently, scientists from Kunming Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered a new species of Yunnanilus, and named it Y. jiuchiensis. The newly discovered Y. jiuchiensis was recorded in 2018 from Tuojiang River, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, China. Until now, the genus of Yunnanilus currently contains 30 species.
Understory vegetation composes the majority of species diversity in boreal forest ecosystems, affecting canopy succession and nutrient cycling. The intensity and frequency of wildfire disturbances in boreal forest are anticipated to increase as a consequence of projected climate change in the coming decades. Assistant researcher LIU Bo from Institute of Applied Ecology utilized phylogenetic and functional trait-based approaches to reveal how understory communities were assembled following wildfire in the boreal forest of Northeastern China.
Combined study of experiments and theoretical calculations verify the formation of a uniform and single-crystalline antimonene monolayer without atomic wrinkles, as a new honeycomb analogue of graphene monolayer. Directional bonding between adjacent Sb atoms and weak antimonene-substrate interaction are confirmed. The realization and investigation of flat antimonene honeycombs extends the scope of two-dimensional atomically-thick structures and provides a promising way to tune topological properties for future technological applications.
A Chinese study team at Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (AIOFM) found that the photochemistry played a role in absorption enhancement of BC-containing particles. They studied the absorption enhancement of BC-containing particles and found the key role of modifying the absorption enhancement of BC-containing particles.
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