Professor YI Wei from USTC with other physicists showed that spin-orbit coupling modifies the single-particle spectra, which gives rise to exotic few-body correlations and interesting pairing states.
Researchers have developed a method of producing influenza vaccines in mammalian cell culture rather than chicken eggs. The results, published in Vaccine, reduce the risk of allergies and make vaccine production easier to scale up, potentially improving the global supply in the event of an outbreak.
In the arid regions, groundwater plays a vital role in the development of vegetation especially the desert riparian vegetation due to the limited precipitation and high evaporation. Understanding the response mechanism of desert riparian vegetation to groundwater dynamics is important for the sustainable development of environment in the arid regions.
Clinopyroxenes in the wehrlites display convex-upward chondrite-normalized REE patterns. The melts in equilibrium with these clinopyroxenes have very similar trace element compositions to those of the crosscutting dykes, suggesting a similar mantle source shared by the Xiaohaizi wehrlite intrusion and dykes.
Recently, scientists at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing and the Santa Fe Institute proposed such a model in the form of an experiment-based phenomenological BCS-like expression for the superconducting transition temperature Tc in heavy-electron materials that is based on a simple model for the effective range and strength of the spin-fluctuation-induced quasiparticle interaction, and reflects the unusual properties of the heavy-electron normal state – in which electrons gain mass as local electron spins lose their magnetism – from which superconductivity emerges.
The research group for composite lubricating materials at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed the dip coating approach to produce three functionally porous materials used for oil–water separation. Fabric, copper mesh, and sponge are endowed with superhydrophobic property by modification with H-SiO2-PFW through a dip coating process.
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