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BAO Xinhe Wins Outstanding Achievement Award of International Natural Gas Conversion

Jun 16, 2016

Professor BAO Xinhe from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics won the Outstanding Achievement Award of Natural Gas Conversion in the The 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium held on June. 8 in TromsØ, Norway, for his outstanding achievement in the direct activation and selective transformation of natural gas.

The Outstanding Achievement Award of International Natural Gas Conversion is designed to encourage outstanding achievements that contribute to the research of natural gas. The Award is presented every three years during the International Natural Gas Conversion Symposium to recognize enduring and significant contributions to science and technology for conversion of natural gas to valuable products. Only eight scientists have been awarded since the committee was established in 1987. Prof. BAO is the first Asian scientist who have received this award.

Professor Krijn de Jong, the chairman of the international committee of natural gas conversion, suggested that Prof. BAO’s work has led to "a major breakthrough to the concept of C1 catalysis in the past century and will certainly become a new trend in the development of this field".

Professor BAO Xinhe is a world renowned scientist in the field of catalysis and energy chemistry. He is recognized for his contributions to fundamental understanding of chemistry and engineering of heterogeneous catalysis. The team he leads is very unique in that they combine theory, model catalysis, and technical catalysis, which has led to a number of breakthrough technologies with both scientific and industrial impact.

Professor BAO first proposed the concept of “confined catalysis” to develop the nanocatalysis fundamentals (Science 2010). He also found direct conversion of methane to olefins, which has been recognized as “Holy Grail” in catalysis (Science 2014). In addition, he established a new horizontal in syngas chemistry by the concept of nano-composite comprising of metal oxides and zeolites. It circumvents surface polymerization of the conventional Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, leading to highly selective conversion of syngas to light olefins (Science 2016). These achievements open up new avenues for development of efficient and clean utilization technologies of carbon-based resources, such as, natural gas, coal and biomass.

Professor BAO has been chosen as the recipient of the 2016 Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion. The previous award recipients are Krijn de Jong (2013), Anders Holmen (2010), David Trimm (2007), Enrique Iglesia (2004), Lanny Schmidt (2001), Jens Rostrup-Nielsen (1998), and Jack Lunsford (1993).

BAO was invited to give a presentation entitled ‘New Horizon of C1 Chemistry’ in the conference. In his presentation, he introduced systematically breakthrough achieved by his team the direct conversion of methane to olefins and the direct conversion of syngas to high value chemicals with high selectivity. He proposed a new route for the efficient conversion and clean utilization of natural gas and coal, which was highly commended by all representatives.


Professor Krijn de Jong, Professor A. Holmen (chairman of the award committee) and Professor H. Venvik (chairman of the conference) presented medal and certificate to Professor BAO Xinhe at the awarding ceremony (Image by SHI Ying)

See the following links for more information about the Outstanding Achievement Award of International Natural Gas Conversion: http://www.ngcb.org/index.asp?sid=72.

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