There are estimated to be only around 1,000 of the endangered finless porpoise remaining in the wild and numbers are thought to be declining by more than 12% a year.Coordinated efforts to prevent the species from suffering the same fate as the Baiji or Yangtze river dolphin began in the 1990s, when finless porpoises were taken from the Yangtze river and put into oxbow lakes alongside the main channel.While numbers plummeted in the main river, the population in the oxbows slowly increased, proving that the species could thrive when relocated to more secure areas.
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) that was launched recently, sent back on December 24 its first batch of scientific data. The data was received at 17:55 that day by Miyun Station under the China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station (RSGS), and real-time transmitted to the National Space Science Center (NSSC) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing.
Chinese researchers have developed a heavy-ion medical accelerator to be used in radiotherapy for cancer, researchers said Thursday. A recent test of the machine's beam was successful, marking the end of China's dependence on imported equipment, according to researchers with the Institute of Modern Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is based in northwest China's Gansu Province.
China's first telescope tasked with searching for signs of the elusive dark matter formally began its quest Thursday when it sent home its first set of observation data. The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) Satellite, launched exactly a week earlier, ran a power-on test before uploading its first count of high-energy electrons and cosmic rays at around 6 p.m. to the National Space Science Center under the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Beijing suburb of Huairou.
A group of fossils discovered on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have been confirmed as pliocene-era bone-crushing hyenas, which date back some four million years, a Chinese archaeologist said Wednesday. The fossilized teeth and lower jaws were discovered in 2012 at an altitude of 4,195 meters in the Zanda basin, southwest of Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China.
Chinese scientists have introduced a polygraph based on facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence (AI), which is expected to detect human lies more accurately. Jointly developed by the Cloudwalk company under the Chongqing Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the new type of polygraph was introduced earlier this week, after the release of the facial recognition system at the beginning of this month.
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