Of the 100 most threatening invasive species in the world, 51 have been found in China. Last century, 25 invasive foreign species were recorded to have made their way into China. In comparison, in the past 14 years alone, experts have already found 13 new species. As China grapples to cope with the adverse affects of an influx of non-native species, either deliberately or accidently introduced, experts are calling for specific laws and regulations to control their uncontrolled spread.
China has developed new motion-sensing virtual reality glasses that gives game players immersive 3D experiences. The glasses were developed by the optical research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with 2,661 articles published in 68 high-quality journals, continues to top the China index list, according to Nature Index China 2014, published as a supplement in Nature today by the Nature Publishing Group.
Nations across East and Southeast Asia have enjoyed success from implementing policies that increase research and development (R&D) budgets and stimulate scientific endeavours. "A remarkable increase in scientific output in recent years reflects these efforts." The region might be third overall by weighted fractional count (WFC), which gives a measure of the relative contribution to each paper; but three of its countries — China, Japan and South Korea — are in the top ten, led by China with a WFC of 5,206.
Did Mars ever harbor life? Scientists have found new evidence for possible life on the Red Planet in a piece of Martian meteorite that landed on Earth after about 700,000 years of space travel. "We used advanced equipment to determine the carbon particles are organic matter, and to rule out the possibility of graphite, which is inorganic," said Lin Yangting, a lead scientist of the research team from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
A global scientific research programme has been launched in China to examine the unintended consequences of urban policies on human health and wellbeing. The Urban Health & Wellbeing Programme aims to better understand what makes a "healthy urban environment". People living in cities face a number of health risks, such as air pollution.
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