Wu Beili, a project leader from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, says her team spent two years on the research. Their findings were published today in the online version of Science, a leading US-based scientific journal. Although the journal praised Wu's work, she says the road towards a new HIV drug is still long and challenging.
The president of the Royal Society Sir Paul Nurse visited People’s Daily Online on Sept. 14, 2013. As a guest of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), he shared his opinions on cooperation between China and Britain in an exclusive interview.
Two Chinese scientists have been handed China's top science award, for their remarkable contributions to scientific and technological innovation.
Prof. TAN Tieniu, Deputy Secretary General of CAS, Mr. WANG Feng, Vice-Minister of State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform and Academician HU Qiheng, President of Internet Society of China, address on ICANN 45 in Toronto Canada, representing CAS and CNNIC, CONAC, ISC respectively.
Dialogue: Development and Use of Gene Technologies
CCTV Dialogue: China searches for new ways in sci & tech development
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