It is reported that from December 10 to 13, FY-2C satellite has been successfully deorbited. FY-2C was the first operation application satellite of FY-2 satellites and the first geostationary meteorological satellite achieved continuous and stable operation in-orbit. It was launched in October 19, 2004 and stopped operation in November 25, 2009. After that, the satellite had been in backup status.
China can now view the entire country's land mass using HD satellite images, it was announced at a national geo-mapping conference held on Friday. According to a statement issued by the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, China began capturing remote-sensing images with clear view of objects of a meter in length or smaller since 2012.
China launched the Yaogan-26 remote sensing satellite into the preset orbit at 11:22 a.m. on Saturday Beijing Time from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province. The satellite will mainly be used for scientific experiments, land surveys, crop yield estimates and disaster prevention.
Surveys show that over forty percent of cultivated land has been degraded, mainly via the overuse of chemical fertilizers, Guangming Daily reported. Cultivated land in China is classified into three grades - high, medium and low yield croplands, at 498 million mu (33.2 million hectares), 818 million mu and 510 million mu respectively, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Medium and low yield croplands account for over 70 percent of the total area.
Antibiotics have been detected in water near sewage plants and the Guangzhou segment of Pearl River, reported, quoting experts from the Guangzhou Chinese Academy of Sciences. The total concentration of nine common antibiotics, including erythromycin, roxithromycin and norfloxacin, exceeds 2000 nanograms per liter in sections along the river.
Chinese engineers are nearing completion of the Long March-7 rocket and will soon test its compatibility with the launch site, the designers said. "We will perform the compatibility test for the Long March-7 and the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan within a short time, and the rocket to be used in the test has been produced," said Tao Gang, general manager of the Tianjin Long March Launch Vehicle Manufacturing Co Ltd.
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