Seven scientists were chosen as the seventh batch of CAS Foreign Members for their distinguished achievements in scientific research and valuable contributions to China's S&T development.

CAS President LU Yongxiang casts his vote at the 7th election of CAS Foreign Members on June 8.(Photo by LU Jiaxing)
Seven scientists from three countries were chosen as the seventh batch of CAS Foreign Members for their distinguished achievements in scientific research and valuable contributions to China's S&T development.
The election was held at the plenary session of the 13th CAS General Assembly on the morning of June 8. The newly elected bring the total number of living CAS Foreign Members to 51.
According to the Bylaws of CAS Members, a candidate for the foreign membership becomes eligible only when nominated by not less than five CAS members. The election is held biennially at the General Assembly.
Newly elected foreign members, their affiliations at the time of election, and their country of citizenship their country are as follows.
ALFEROV, Zhores. I.; 1930-, vice president, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); professor and director, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS; Moscow (Russia).
CHIEN, Shu; 1931-, professor of bioengineering and medicine as wells as director of Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering, the University of California, San Diego (USA).
CHUA, Nam-Hai; 1944-, Andrew W. Mellon Professor and head, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, the Rockefeller University, New York (Singapore).
DICKINSON, Robert E.; 1940-, professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA)
KLITZING, Klaus von; 1943-, professor and director, the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart (Germany)
STANG, Peter J.; 1941-, distinguished professor and dean, College of Science, University of Utah, Utah (USA)
GRIGORIAN, Samvel Samvelovich; 1929-, professor, Organization Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia)