Positron beams were successfully commissioned to the injection point of the BEPCII Linac at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics on 19 March, marking another critical step towards the final goal of the BEPCII Linac upgrade project. With an initial beam intensity of 45mA, the beam is one order of magnitude higher than the old BEPC specifications. Now the beam energy has reached 1.3 GeV, which is enough to satisfy the requirements of the storage ring for its machine study.
Electrons were successfully commissioned to the injection point on 19 November 2004, hence having ensured a dedicated storage ring running for SR and test beams for BESIII between the injections. The positron source commissioning started after the Spring Festival. Taking advantage of the time intervals between the injections for the dedicated SR running, the Linac staff solved many difficulties and problems by carefully examining and testing equipments, in the end they successfully commissioned positrons to the injection point.