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Childhood Miracle Sparked Journey of Healthcare Innovation

Sep 25, 2023

Born in Ningbo, Dr. WANG Rong pursued a PhD in Singapore. His childhood experience witnessing a life-saving miracle through implant devices ignited his unwavering commitment to innovation, leading him to a career in biomedical polymers. 

Today, he collaborates with a vibrant team, crafting liquid wound dressings and bone adhesives that are transforming healthcare at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). 

Supported by family and NIMTE's opportunities, they're revolutionizing the field with cutting-edge materials for wound healing. 

Curious to hear Dr. WANG's incredible journey? Click on the video to learn more! 

[video:20230925-WANG Rong-Childhood Miracle Sparked Journey of Healthcare Innovation]

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