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Chinese Researchers Find Plant Flowering Regulator

Mar 15, 2021

Chinese researchers have found a genetic code that may regulate the flowering time of plants, according to the Kunming Institute of Botany under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Plants can adjust their flowering time in response to environmental stresses to ensure their reproduction is successful. Scientists believe there could be common regulators controlling plants' response to environmental threats and their flowering time, which need further study. 

A research team of the institute studied the role of heat shock protein 101 (HSP101) in controlling the flowering of plants under environmental stresses by using physiological, molecular and genetic methods and found that HSP101 might be one of the common regulators. 

The study was recently published in the journal Plant Physiology. (Xinhua) 



Heat shock protein 101 (HSP101) promotes flowering under nonstress conditions

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