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Scientists Develop Material for Fast-charging Li-ion Battery

Oct 13, 2020

Chinese and U.S. researchers have jointly developed a new black phosphorus composite material for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries, making possible high-rate and high-capacity storage.

A paper on the research was published Friday in Science.

An electrode made of the new black phosphorus composite can recover about 80 percent of its power after a nine-minute charge, and 90 percent charge capacity can be maintained after charging 2,000 times, said Xin Sen, one of the paper's authors and researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
If a large-scale production of this material can be realized, with matching positive electrode materials and other auxiliary materials as well as an optimized design for cell structure, thermal management and lithium segregation protection, the lithium-ion battery with a power density of 350 watt-hours per kg and fast-charging capacity can be achieved, he added.
The lithium-ion battery with such a power density will enable a driving range of nearly 1,000 km for electric cars, according to Xin.
This research was completed by researchers from institutions including University of Science and Technology of China, CAS, and University of California, Los Angeles. (Xinhua)


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