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Research Progress

Researchers Develop Advanced Porous Membranes with Ultra-high Selectivity and Stability for Vanadium Flow Batteries

Editor: CHEN Na | Jul 08, 2016

The Energy Storage Division (Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy) at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) headed by Prof. ZHANG Huamin and Prof. LI Xianfeng found the formation mechanism and prepared the morphology controllable non-fluorinated porous ions conducting membranes for flow battery. It dramatically increased ion selectivity. Also, proton conductivity of non-fluorinated porous ions conducting membranes was obtained, improving the flow battery performance.

This research group has made a series of scientific and technological achievements and published many high-level research papers since they originally proposed the concept of ions sieve-conducting mechanism. However, it is still challenging to investigate the formation mechanism and the control of microstructure, such as the pore size, pore size distribution as well as porosity of porous ions conducting membranes.

ZHANG and LI's team investigated the role of solvent treatment and how it exerted effect on the formation mechanism. An innovative and effective method was developed to tune the pore size, pore size distribution and pore interconnectivity of porous ions conducting membranes.

They further succeeded in preparing porous ions conducting membranes with high porosity, uniform pore size distribution and great interconnectivity. The selectivity and conductivity of non-fluorinated porous ions conducting membranes were thus further improved. The single cell assembled with as-prepared membranes obtained an energy efficiency of over 90% at a current density of 80mA/cm2. This research work can effectively instruct the structure design and preparation of high-performance porous ions conducting membranes.


The influence of the solvent treatment on the morphology and performance of the porous PES membrane (Image by LU Wenjing)

This work had been published online by Energy & Environmental Science (2016 DOI: 10.1039/C6EE01371F). It is financially supported by National Youth Top-notch Talent Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation CAS and Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials.

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