A research project on the evaporative cooling technology of electric turbogenerators has recently got the support of the National Key Technologies R&D Program.
Headed by the CAS Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE), the project involves two subcomponents. One is to decode the technical difficulties and produce a pilot machine of 300megawatt (MW) evaporative-cooled steam turbogenerator. The goals also include the draft and issue of a national industry standard on this kind of turbogenerators, as well as four new patent applications in this regard. In collaboration with IEE are five corporations and research bodies, i.e. China Power Investment Co., China Huadian Power International Co. Ltd., Shanghai Turbine Generator Co. Ltd., Shanghai Zhenfa Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd. and North China Electric Power University.
Despite the various ways to cool down a steam turbogenerator by using refrigerants like the air, water, oil and hydrogen, they are in fact rather dangerous and expensive. For instance, the widely-used hydrogen-cooling technology for large-capacity generators has posed serious challenges to the safe production of power plants, and recent years have witnessed hazardous hydrogen leaks in both China's mainland and Hong Kong. Therefore, the revolution of evaporative-cooling technology will not only sharply cut down the consumption of hydrogen and improve production safety, but also save a great deal of cooling water resources, non-ferrous metals, and in turn the investor's input.
For the other subcomponent, researchers will manage to figure out an optimal design and produce a sample machine of 800MW evaporative-cooling water turbogenerator. They will also handle the draft and issue of a national industry standard on evaporative-cooled water turbogenerators, together with three more patent applications in this regard. To achieve these targets, IEE will join hands with the Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co. Ltd. and China Three Gorges Project Co.
Large-capacity water turbogenerators are often harassed by cooling-water leaks and consequent insulation breakdown or accidental shutdown, as a result of the overheated hollow conductors of stator windings. The oxide fouling within hollow conductors can also burn off generators easily. Thus the evaporative cooling technology will largely enhance production safety and prolong the life of water turbogenerators. The evaporative cooling technology is going to play a key role in the Three Gorges project in southwest China.