A conference for developmental strategies was held on Dec. 22 at the CAS South China Botanical Garden in Guangzhou. Chaired by Prof. HUANG Hongwen, newly appointed director of the Garden, the meeting was attended by senior researchers of the Guangzhou-based institution. After in-depth discussions, the participants reached a consensus on its priority research areas in the future.
The participants agreed that over the next five years, the Garden should focus its research on the following six areas: global change and ecosystem service, systems and developmental biology, environmental degradation and ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, food safety and phytochemical resources, and innovation of germ plasma and gene discovery.
The predecessor of the Garden, the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry under the Sun Yat-Sen University was established in 1929. The institute joined CAS in 1954 and renamed the South China Institute of Botany. It was changed to the present name in 2003 in line with the S&T reform drive at CAS. Being geared to the national strategic demands and aimed at the world science frontiers, the Garden strives for fundamental, forward-looking and strategic studies in the fields of restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem, environmental and ecological security, studies on evolution and conservation of plant species, reserve and sustainable utilization of plant resources, as well as on landscape gardening.