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Int’l Cooperation News

U.S. KP-MEMS President Visits the Institute of Electronics for Academic Exchanges

Feb 19, 2010

Mr. Kurt Petersen, president of KP-MEMS, U.S. well-known micro-nano manufacturer in California, visit the Institute of Electronics  at the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology on February 1, 2010.

Mr. Kurt Petersen presented a report entitled MEMS in the Coming Decade to teachers and graduate students from Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Institute of Electronics.

Mr. Kurt Peterson introduced the development background of the MEMS industry in recent years in conjunction with his own work experience, the development and application of the MEMS devices in some world-renowned enterprises, as well as the hotspot and difficulties in current research of MEMS devices. He said the MEMS products and new MEMS enterprises will have numerous new opportunities in the next decade, with the MEMS transducers and other equipment continuously applied to a variety of consumer products.

Mr. Kurt Peterson has been known as “MEMS Father” due to his 1970s’ pioneering research of the micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) in the company of IBM. He graduated from the Electronic Engineering Major, Berkeley of the University of California in 1970, received the doctorate in electrical engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1975. He participated in the creation of four MEMS companies, acted as president and CTO of the company - Cepheid, and executive vice president for technologies of the companies – NovaSensor and Transensory Devices.

He has published over 100 papers, boasting 35 patents in the field of MEMS. Now acting as president of the company - KP-MEMS, He also provides consultations to various MEMS companies and research institutes.

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