The Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Station with the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) was put into operation at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics in July.
In recent years, the number of SAXS users has been increasing, giving rise to the construction of a new SAXS station. The new SAXS beamline 1W2A and the protein crystallography beamline 1W2B will share the same front end, which is ejected from 1W2. Approximately, 2-mrad synchrotron radiation x-ray on horizontal direction is captured and monochromized by triangle-bending Si (111) crystal. The monochromic light fixed at 0.154nm is focused onto the detector. The station is equipped with Mar165 CCD detector, curved one-dimensional gas detector, ion chambers, four-blade slits, exposure shutter and sample stage etc.
The SAXS beamline performance and its experimental conditions have been greatly improved and are much better than the old one. The initial reaction from the first two users has been very positive. At present, the SAXS station is in its normal SAXS mode. Further improvement will be made depending upon the users' requirements and the budget availability.