The mechanical system of the Beijing Spectrometer III (BESIII) recently passed the evaluation of a panel of experts at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, marking a breakthrough in the renovation of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC).
The system was designed by the Center for Experimental Physics of IHEP, and was manufactured by Citic Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd. The company was also responsible for the installment, commissioning, test and assembling of the system.
The newly-built mechanical structure of BESIII, 11 meters long, 6 meters wide with a height of 6.5 meters and a weight of 650 tons, is composed of the base, barrel yoke, end yoke and its moving structure, supporting structure for BESIII sub-detectors. The system, being the base and the main structure for BESIII, provides magnetic flux return for the 10, 000 Gauss super-conducting magnetic system and constitutes the supporting structure for the positioning, connecting and adjusting of the sub-detectors, and at the same time being the absorber for the muon detector. The positioning precision and stability of the system will be the basis for the stable operation of the BESIII sub-detectors.
The panel concluded that the system has met with all the technical specifications after repeated tests. achieved the designed value, and could satisfy the requirements of the normal operation of BESIII.
"The completion of the main structure of BES III's mechanical system is a landmark in the upgrade project," IHEPDeputy Director Wang Yifang was quoted as saying. The BESIII will perform precision measurement in tau-charm energy zone and explore more new physical phenomena. A number of new fruits are expected to be attained, making China maintain the leading position in tau-charm physic research.
To be completed in 2007, the BEPC upgrading will help the institute maintain a leading position among accelerators of the same kind and become one of the most advanced double ring colliders in the world.