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The Pioneer Initiative

In the year of 2013, during his visit to CAS, President XI Jinping encouraged CAS to strive for more contribution to the needs of China’s social and economic development by a better play of its combined and integrated strength in research, education and strategic advice. He urged CAS to take the lead in research & innovation, education, strategic advice and the making of a world-class scientific institution.

The Academy acted in response and launched The Pioneer Initiative in 2014. Focused on various bottlenecks and barriers for discovery and innovation, the Pioneer Initiative expected to significantly optimize CAS institutes and scientific alignment for major discovery and innovation and to bring all the key factors of innovation including the vigor, talent, equipment and facilities, projects and institutes into fuller play.

A series of major scientific problems have been solved, especially in condensed matter physics, quantum information technology, deep-space and deep-sea exploration, coal to synthesis oil, and new drug development. The Academy also made breakthrough in a number of key core technologies, and fully completed the first phase of The Pioneer Initiative.

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