Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
SSRF is one of world's advanced 3rd generation light sources, supporting and pushing cutting-edge scientific research and innovation, including biology, physics, material science, chemistry, environmental science, archeology, biomedical applications, medicine and drug development.Hefei Synchrotron Radiation Facility
The synchrotron is close to 3rd generation level, with five ready-to-use endstations: combustion and flame, soft X-ray microscopy, catalysis and surface science, angle resolved photo-emission spectroscopy, atomic and molecular physics.Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
BSRF runs in 2.5GeV full-energy injection and 250mA beam current in the dedicated mode of synchrotron radiation and its synchrotron radiation light covers the energy from vacuum ultraviolet to hard X-ray.ShenGuang-II Laser Facility
SG-II focuses on high power laser facilities building and ICF relative research, providing not only nanosecond pulse laser but also picosecond and femtosecond pulse laser with the output ability ranging from -20KJ and -1KJ.Dalian Coherent Light Source
DCLS is China’s first Free Electron Laser (FEL) user facility, and world's only FEL facility operating exclusively in EUV wavelength region, holding promise for the generation of coherent short-wavelength radiation with ultra-high brightness and ultra-short pulse duration.Steady High Magnetic Field Facility
SHMFF builds world’s strongest steady state magnetic field of 45.22T, three water-cooled magnets and world’s only scanning tunneling microscope system usable in water-cooled magnets, and establishes world-leading synergetic extreme experimental conditions.The Shanghai Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility
SXFEL includes an 840 MeV beam energy electron linac, a 9 nm output wavelength free electron laser (FEL) amplifier, to explore a two-stage cascaded seeded FEL, so as to identify the development roadmap of hard-X-ray FEL facilities.China Spallation Neutron Source
China Spallation Neutron Source includes a powerful linear accelerator, a rapid circling synchrotron, a target station and three Phase I neutron instruments. It aims to provide a powerful platform for both fundamental scientific research and high-tech development.Synergic Extreme Condition User Facility
Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility integrates extreme conditions such as ultrahigh pressure, ultralow temperature, strong magnetic fields, and ultrafast optical fields. It aims to facilitate discovery of new states of matter, new phenomena and new rules.China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station
RSGS is a member of international ground stations group on Earth Observation. With five ground stations built in Miyun, Kashi, Sanya, Kunming and North Pole, it has a visible range covering the entire Chinese territory and 70% of the land area of Asia.Multi-Purpose Oceanographic Research Vessel
The Research Vessel integrates multi-disciplinary, multi-function and multi-technology tools and equipped with dynamic, geological and ecological instrument and equipment for comprehensive marine environment observation, detection, and in situ fidelity sampling and analysis.Remote Sensing Aircraft
The Remote Sensing Aircrafts adhere to non-profitable flight and data sharing, provided A-level operation for aerial flight tests, and carried out airborne remote sensing experiments with varied optical, infrared, microwave and atmospheric sensors."Shiyan 1" Research Vessel
"Shiyan 1" helps scientific investigation among acoustics, physical oceanography, marine geology, supports large-scale observation network, and carries out research about real-time 3D marine environment monitoring system and comprehensive information system.Chinese Aeronautic Remote Sensing System
CARSS consists of two medium-sized manned aircraft together with a range of remote-sensing technologies. It can be used for conducting detailed observations and monitoring of Earth's surface. It contributes to emergency-response operations, including disaster prevention and reduction.Construction Project of the Earth System Numerical Simulator
A system produces a numerical simulation of Earth to predict evolutionary changes in ocean currents, the atmosphere, land surface processes, and ecology, and features a parallel framework and visualization system.Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project
A ground-based program to monitor China’s geospace environment to acknowledge the needs of both basic science and useful space weather operations.Guoshoujing Telescope
A special quasi-meridian reflecting Schmidt telescope located in Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatory, China. It is a national facility open to the astronomical community.Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope
FAST is the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope.It has broken the 100-meter engineering limit for telescopes construction and created a new mode to build large radio telescopes.Beijing Electron Positron Collider
China's first high-energy particle accelerator. It consists of four main subsystems: an electron-positron linac, a storage ring, a magnetic spectrometer for high-energy physics experiments, and synchrotron radiation facilities.Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou
It is the largest heavy ion research facility in China and one of the few large-scale full-ion accelerating systems in the world, which can accelerate all ions (from hydrogen to uranium) to high energy.Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is a neutrino-oscillation experiment designed to measure the mixing angle θ13 using anti-neutrinos produced by the reactors of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and the Ling Ao NPP.The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory mainly aims to understand the origins of high-energy cosmic rays and conduct basic research on topics including high energy gamma-ray emission, evolution of astronomical objects, and dark matter distribution.The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species
The Germplasm Bank, aiming to conserve biological resources of wild species, is composed of seed bank, micro-propagation unit, DNA bank, microbial bank, animal germplasm bank, and experimental research laboratories for plant genomics and seed biology.National Facility for Protein Science in Shanghai
NFPS is composed of 9 technology systems, including Large-scale Protein Production, Protein Crystal Structure Analysis, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Electron Microscopy, Protein Dynamic Analysis, Mass Spectrometry, Integrated Laser Microscopy, Molecular Imaging and Data Base & Computation.Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory
Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, composed of BSL-4, BSL-3 and BSL-2, ordinary lab, and animal feeding room, aims to form a relatively independent research platform that can research two or three types of fulminant infectious disease pathogens and develop corresponding vaccines.86-10-68597521 (day)
86-10-68597289 (night)
52 Sanlihe Rd., Xicheng District,
Beijing, China (100864)