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China and UK to Intensify Strategic Partnership in Terms of Climate Science and Service

Jun 13, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

On June 9, the Joint Meeting for Collaboration and Climate Science to Service Partnership (CSSP) was held in China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Philip Evans, Government Services Director of UK Met Office and Stephen Belcher, Head of the Met Office Hadley Centre from Hadley Centre and some other officials and experts from UK participated in the meeting. Jiao Meiyan, Deputy Administrator of CMA chaired it.

Jiao pointed out that CSSP would create an advanced mechanism to help governments, communities and sectors draft policies so as to better prevent climate disaster and adapt to climate change. It would make more contributions to the socio-economic development. She highly affirmed the effective cooperation between Hadley Centre and CMA National Climate Centre in the past several years.

CMA would support the development of CSSP and promote the bilateral cooperation in this field to be more pragmatic and effective. Jiao expected this meeting to define the cooperative details, improve the design and lay a good foundation for implementation of CSSP. China and UK would intensify the strategic partnership in terms of climate science and service so as to benefit people of the 2 countries.

Over 40 representatives from CMA and the British Embassy participated in the meeting and exchanged views on improvement of the strategic partnership between the 2 sides in the bilateral cooperation framework. (cma.gov.cn)

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