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Xi Stresses Engineering's Role in Development

Jun 05, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

President Xi Jinping has vowed China will innovate in engineering to realize peaceful and sustainable development.

Addressing the International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology in Beijing on Tuesday, Xi described engineering as a force to change the world and help China achieve fast social and economic progress.

He said advancing science and technology is a strategic choice for mankind to cope with global challenges and realize sustainable development.

As the world's biggest developing country, China must give full play to science and technology in development, according to Xi.

The president said that as China has adopted innovation-driven development strategy as a major national strategy, it will promote engineering innovation, strengthen governmental, semi-official and non-governmental cooperation in this regard, take part in more global science and technology cooperation projects, and improve personnel training.

He noted that China has built cooperative relationships in science and technology with more than 150 countries and regions, and taken part in major global projects including the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor Plan, the Human Genome Project and the Galileo Project.

Prior to the speech, Xi met with UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova and William Salmon, secretary of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), who are here for the conference.

Xi praised UNESCO for promoting exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, and the CAETS for being the most important international academic organization on engineering technology.

He said China wants to conduct more fruitful cooperation with the two organizations and jointly help develop engineering worldwide.

Bokova and Salmon spoke positively of China's support in this regard and pledged to carry out more exchanges and cooperation with China.

The conference was held on Monday and Tuesday. It was co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, UNESCO and the CAETS, and attracted about 1,500 directors of foreign academies of engineering, Chinese and foreign academics and professionals. (Xinhua)

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