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China to establish national Geothermal Association: Expert

May 14, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

China is to establish a national association to promote geothermal resources, according to a forum held in east China's Jiangxi Province on Tuesday.

To ease pressure on energy and resources, and improve the environment, the Ministry of Land and Resources is taking the lead in the association, said Wang Bingchen from the Counselors' Office of the State Council, at the forum in Xinyu City.

With technological breakthroughs in geothermal exploration, power pumps and electricity generation, China's geothermal power industry will be booming again, said Mao Rubai, former chairman of the Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of the National People's Congress.

He said geothermal energy will supply heating for 500 million square meters nationwide and raise geothermal generating capacity by 100,000 kilowatts as of 2015.

Juliet Newson, president of the International Geothermal Association, said at the forum that they hope to expand cooperation with China in the future.

"A national geothermal association in China will help promote international academic exchanges and technological innovation," Newson said. (Xinhua)

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