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Chinese Science Authorities Prioritize Smog Research

May 14, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

Chinese science authorities will prioritize smog-related research in allocating state science funds this year and next, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced on Tuesday.

Such research projects include those on the causes of smog in heavily polluted regions, monitoring of and early warnings about smog, source control and the health impact of the pall.

The ministry raised expectation that investigation into the causes of air pollution and solutions to the issue can achieve breakthroughs at an early date.

It has listed six main types of research concerning countermeasures to air pollution, including studies on air quality monitoring and forecasting technology, causes, source control, health impact, equipment designed to improve air quality, and policy support.

Of all the projects, the ministry will lend greatest support to research on air pollution monitoring, prevention and control technologies in regions surrounding Beijing, the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.

China faces a worsening problem with heavy smog, particularly in major urban areas. (Xinhua)

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