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Lenovo's Yang Yuanqing Receives Edison Award

May 12, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

Yang Yuanqing, chairman & CEO of the world's largest PC maker Lenovo, received the 2014 Edison Achievement Award in San Francisco on May 1, making him the first person from Asia to receive the prestigious U.S. innovation award.

Also winning the award was Elon Musk, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors and the CEO/CTO of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX).

The Edison Awards, launched in 1987 to honor innovations and innovators, are named after the great U.S. inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931). They covers 15 tech fields ranging from applied technology, electronics and computers, energy and sustainability to consumer goods.

Lenovo's Yoga tablet earned the top prize in the Electronics and Computers: Computing Solutions category, and its IdeaCentre Horizon Table PC won the silver prize in the Industrial Design: Computer and Entertainment category.

The past winners of the Edison Achievement Award include Steve Jobs, Ted Turner, and Doug Ivester. (China.org.cn)

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