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China to Launch its Chang'e-5 Lunar Probe

Dec 16, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

China is scheduled to launch its Chang'e-5 lunar probe in 2017 and the mission will bring back samples collected from the moon, a senior scientist said Monday.

Yutu, China's first moon rover, is shown in this picture taken by lunar probe Chang'e 3's lander on Dec 15, 2013.[Photo / Xinhua]

The development of Chang'e 5 is proceeding smoothly, said the administration's spokesman Wu Zhijian at a press conference on Monday.

The just-concluded Chang'e 3 mission, the third-phase project of China's lunar probe established in 2011, marked completion of the second phase of the program, which includes orbiting, landing and returning to Earth.

China's first lunar rover and the lander took pictures of each other near mid-night on Sunday, marking the complete success of Chang'e-3 lunar probe mission.

The lunar program will enter the next stage of unmanned sampling and returning, which will include Chang'e 5 and 6 missions, according to Wu. (China Daily)

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