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Chinese Amphibian Aircraft Makes Maiden Flight

Jul 22, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

The first China-made amphibian aircraft, Haiou 300, completed its maiden flight in Jingmen city, Central China's Hubei province, on Wednesday, according to chinanews.com.

The amphibian aircraft, developed by the China Special Vehicle Research Institute, is China's first, with independent intellectual property rights.

At 8.9 meters long and 12.46 meters wide, the aircraft can achieve a cruising speed of 231 km per hour and take off and land on water and land as well as on the highlands below 3,500 meters.

With a maximum take-off weight of 1,680 kg and passenger capacity of four to six, the aircraft can be used for business flights, tourism, coastal patrol, search and rescue, environmental monitoring, and forest guard.

The airplane had its first test flight in August 2010 and was part of Airshow China in Zhuhai in November 2010. (China Daily)

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