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China Calls for Int'l Cooperation in Manned Space Program

Jun 27, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

A Chinese astronaut research and training official Wednesday called for international cooperation to promote the development of manned space technologies.

China has long been pushing for international cooperation in manned space program under the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, as well as of transparency and opening, said Deng Yibing, director of China Astronaut Research and Training Center.

China is willing to explore new cooperation models in fields including astronaut training and joint flights and to further promote the cooperation and exchanges between Chinese astronauts and their international counterparts, Deng told a press briefing in Beijing.

"We believe that more extensive exchanges could help deepen understanding between us and establish a better basis for more concrete cooperation in the future," he said.

China has long been paying great attention to exchanges and cooperation between Chinese astronauts and their international counterparts and is willing to help train astronauts for other countries, Deng said.

Three astronauts who completed China's longest manned space mission returned to Earth safely Wednesday morning, marking another step forward towards the country's goal of building a permanent manned space station by 2020. (Xinhua)

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