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Jiaolong Departs for Seamount Operation in South China Sea

Jun 26, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

The Chinese submersible Jiaolong sailed out from an anchorage for a seamount operation in the South China Sea on Tuesday morning.

The sub is expected to arrive at the scheduled operation zone on Wednesday afternoon and carry out dives based on sea conditions, according to the headquarters of the Jiaolong.

The headquarters said the sub will carry out practical observations, take samples from the bottom of the sea and survey the terrain below the surface of the sea.

The Jiaolong completed four deep-sea dives from June 17 to 20, collecting rare creatures and mineral samples.

After boarding its support ship, the Xiangyanghong-9, the Jiaolong began its first experimental application voyage on June 10.

During the 103-day mission, the sub will submerge for scientific research in the South China Sea, the northeast Pacific Ocean and the west Pacific.

The 103-day mission will mark the start of a five-year trial period for the Jiaolong before it starts regular operations.(Xinhua)

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