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China Faces Serious Brain Drain Crisis

Jun 05, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

China has the highest number of top talents moving overseas in the world, News.cn reports.

According to the Office of Central Talent Work Coordination Group, about 87 percent of professionals regarded as top talents working in the science and engineering field have chosen to emigrate out of China.

A survey released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that many innovative talents in the Chinese science & technology sector, especially in the fields of physics, mathematics and computer sciences, have served in high positions in the world organizations.

With the current fierce international competition for expertise from such personnel, many developed countries have been attracting talent by adjusting their immigration policies, and some developing countries have now also joined the global competition for talent.

Nearly one million Chinese overseas students returned to China through the "Recruitment Program of Global Experts" (1000 Talent Plan), including 20 thousand high-quality overseas professionals.

The report quotes a senior official with the Office of Central Talent Work Coordination Group as saying that China needs more flexible talent development policies and mechanisms to attract more talent coming back. (CRI English)

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