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Chinese VP Stresses Scientific, Tech Innovation

May 27, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

Vice President Li Yuanchao has called for science and technology (S&T) workers to devote themselves to innovation.

Li made the remarks on Saturday at the opening ceremony of the 15th annual meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).

The meeting, which will last until Monday, is being attended by more than 2,500 S&T workers, as well as renowned scientists and scholars from abroad.

Li said the country's innovation drive will require the wisdom of all its S&T workers, encouraging them to ensure that their own professional pursuits are in line with the requirements of the country's strategic development.

Li said enterprises should use innovation to help them transform their industrial growth modes.

While encouraging ambitious professionals to go beyond campuses and research institutes to set up their own S&T companies, Li also urged CAST organizations at all levels to improve services for S&T workers.

Founded in 1958, CAST is a national, non-governmental organization of scientific, technological and engineering workers. It has member societies and local branches throughout the country. (Xinhua)

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