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NE China to Build Robot Industrial Base

May 02, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

NE China to build robot industrial base

Two robots dance during the 11th China International EquipmentManufacturing Expo in Shenyang, Liaoning province in this Sept 1, 2012file photo. [Photo by Pan Xiaochuan/Asianewsphoto]

robot industrial base with an estimated annual output of 50 billion yuan (8billion U.Sdollarswill be established in northeast China's Liaoning Provincelocal authoritiessaid.

Located in Shenfu New Towna development zone in Fushun Citythe industrial base will coveran area of 5 square kilometerssaid Zhao Qibindeputy director of the town's managementcommitteeat a press conference on Saturday.

According to Zhaothe industrial base will be completed by the end of 2017, and it will mostlydevelop robots and other intelligent equipment after academies and technical centers areestablished there.

The Liaoning provincial government has rolled out measures such as tax reductions and theentrance of venture capital to support the programwhich Zhao said will be the country'slargest robot industrial base by 2030.

The robot industry is gaining momentum in Chinaas robots are gradually replacing traditionalhuman laborersespecially in the fields of rescueassemblyprintingtransportation andwelding.

To promote the application of relevant technologies and productsthe China Robot IndustryAssociation was set up in Beijing on April 21. (Xinhua)

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