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Huairou Becomes a Part of Zhongguancun

Mar 13, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

Huairou Park, accredited on March 7 as one of the new members of the Zhongguancun Science Park. It will focus on three sub-parks, including the Science and Education Industrial Park of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Beijing Nanotechnology Industrial Park and the Internet Innovative Industry Park.

Huairou Park covers an area of 7.11 square kilometers, with 6.6296 square kilometers located in the Yanqi Economic Development Area and 0.4851 square kilometers situated in the Chinese academy of Sciences' innovation base.

The education base of the Science and Education Industrial Park of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) will be put into use this year. Additionally, 22 projects of ten CAS institutions will settle at the scientific research and transformation base. It is expected that the industrial projects can achieve some 5 billion yuan (US$ 804 million) in revenue by 2015.

The green printing technology industrialization base has also been completed. In addition, the Nanotechnology Industrial Park has signed ten projects. It is expected to earn some 12 billion yuan (US$1.93 billion) by 2015.

It will also use the Zhongguancun "One plus Six" system and promote the development of the Yanqi Economic Development Area.

Zhang Yong, vice chief of Huairou District, said it aims at upgrading the low-end industries as well as introducing science and technology resources and projects to Huairou. It will strive to achieve some 24 billion yuan (US$3.86 billion) in revenues by 2015. (China.org.cn)

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