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Icebreaker Starts Scientific Research in Antarctic

Feb 05, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size

Expedition team members collect sediment from the ocean and lift it onboard the Chinese icebreaker Xuelong which began a scientific research project after arriving at Prydz Bay in the Antarctic on Feb 1, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]

The Xuelong, a Chinese icebreaker, began scientific research projects after arriving at Prydz Bay in the Antarctic on Thursday.

"The scientific research in Prydz Bay and surrounding waters will be the most comprehensive exploration in the country's Antarctic expeditions," Gao Jinyao, head of the scientific research team told Xinhua News Agency.

He said the research projects involve marine meteorology, chemistry and geology with a total of 107 monitoring spots, including 67 underwater spots below 1,000 meters.

The research report will provide fundamental information to future climate studies and the assessment of energy resources such as oil and gas and the potential for marine organisms to survive in the area, according to Gao.

The Xuelong is expected to return to Shanghai on April 9, after sailing about 50,900 kilometers and undertaking 39 scientific research projects. (China Daily)

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