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Wen Stresses Sci-tech Innovation

Dec 14, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

Premier Wen Jiabao on Thursday called for more efforts to motivate scientific and technological personnel and give full play to their creativity, saying it is "an important task in the country's sci-tech system reforms."

Liberating the people and allowing them to be free to create are a fundamental part of innovation, Wen said during an inspection tour of Zhongguancun, a Beijing-based technology hub.

He called for more respect for individual thinking and the innovative spirit of inventors.

Relevant authorities should provide sound conditions for the development of enterprises and sci-tech personnel, including a fair market environment, strong policy support and a social environment that encourages innovation, he said.

"Zhongguancun's future development should continue to be driven by deepened reforms and sci-tech innovation," he said.

The premier urged the technology hub to adhere to reform, move away from old concepts and get rid of barriers that have led to discrepancies between technological development and the economy.

In December 1987, Wen was entrusted by central authorities to conduct research in Zhongguancun, which at the time consisted of a street selling electronic devices.

Several months later, central authorities approved his research report and decided to set up the country's first national high-tech industrial development zone in the area. Zhongguancun is now home to nearly 20,000 high-tech enterprises.

During his inspection, Wen visited search engine giant Baidu, PC maker Lenovo and Beijing Weiming Kaituo Agriculture Biotech Co., Ltd.

He said Zhongguancun exploration and experiences could allow it to play an exemplary role for others. (Xinhua)

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