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China Aims to Become World Technological Power by 2049

Sep 24, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

China aims to become a world technological power by 2049 and strives to be a leading nation in innovation and scientific development, according to a government document released on Sunday.

The document, released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, or the Cabinet, namely opinions on "deepening technological system reform and accelerating national innovation system construction", sets the goal for the country to be "in the ranks of innovative nations" by 2020.

The document urged efforts to deepen the reform of scientific and technological system and step up the building of a national innovative system so to lay a foundation for the country to become a technological power when celebrating the centennial anniversary of New China in 2049.

China's R&D funds nationwide should reach 2.2 percent of GDP during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) period, and more than 2.5 percent by 2020, it said.

The average R&D input for large and medium-sized industrial enterprises should increase to 1.5 percent of their revenues during 2011-2015 period, the document said.

For every 10,000 employees, there should be at least 43 R&D personnel each year, it said.

The development of strategic emerging industries, such as energy preservation and environmental protection, new-generation information technology, biology, advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy and material as well as green vehicles, should be accelerated, it said.

The gross value added of the strategic emerging industries should make up about 8 percent of GDP by 2015 and 15 percent of GDP by 2020, the document said. (Xinhua)

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