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Fresh Talent Program to Boost Sci-tech

Sep 20, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

The Chinese government has launched a ten-year campaign to cultivate more than 10,000 talented individuals in scientific and technological fields in its latest effort to consolidate a foundation for the country's development.

The project, titled "National Plan for the Special Support of High-level Talent," aims to support 100 scientists who have made breakthroughs in leading fields and have the potential to become "world-class scientists," according to a statement released Wednesday after a meeting of the Central Coordination Group for Talent Work.

Other talent to be aided in the program will include 8,000 people who have made innovative achievements in science and technology, as well as leading figures in the philosophical and social sciences, education and engineering.

Another 2,000 people under the age of 35 who are deemed to have outstanding potential in research and technology innovation will also be covered by the program.

In addition to financial support for research projects and team construction efforts, the program will also require employers and related governmental departments to create more favorable policies regarding research, work evaluation and stimulus benefits.

The program is being jointly carried out by 11 Communist Party of China (CPC) and government departments, including the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Describing the program as an important part of the country's strategy to boost national strength, Li Yuanchao, head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, called for strict selection criteria and procedures that will be convincing for insiders, as well as the public.

According to the statement, five departments, including the ministries of education and science and technology, will be responsible for reviewing applications and selecting program beneficiaries. (China Daily)

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