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China Improves Far-sea Territory Monitoring

Sep 04, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

The satellite remote sensing images of the Huangyan Island, Diaoyu Islands and Xisha Islands have been included in the state's dynamic monitoring and management system, according to the State Oceanic Administration of China. It is another great progress since the dynamic monitoring and management system of the waters began implementing regular monitoring to the offshore area of China.

The dynamic monitoring and management system of the waters is a "blue skynet" in China's marine area management. The system uses the satellite remote sensing, aerial remote sensing and ground surveillance to three-dimensionally and dynamically monitor the activities in the offshore area and provides decision support and information service for the governments of all levels, the marine sectors and the public.

Tang Danling, researcher with the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the monitoring scope covers the areas far from the seas, which will further promote the protection of the marine environment, including timely discovering the influence of oil spill on the marine ecosystem and providing countermeasures to prevent the degradation of ecosystems and protect marine environment. Using the monitoring system, people can keenly capture the premonition and development trend of typhoon, tsunami and El Nino in open sea areas and provide more timely and effective early warning for the defense and response to the natural disasters in the offshore areas. (People's Daily Online)

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