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Change or Be Left behind by Asia, Says Top Scientist

Aug 16, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

AUSTRALIAN scientists will lose touch with leading research unless they radically change the way they work to keep pace with China and the rest of Asia, according to the head of Australia's main science body.

"We've got to change the way we work" ... CSIRO chief Megan Clark. (Image by Glen McCurtayne)

The CSIRO chief, Megan Clark, who is in Beijing to strengthen China research links, said Australia had to work smarter in a world where it would be out-muscled by regional competitors.

''For the first time, this year the Asian region surpassed the Americas in its investment in [research and development],'' Dr Clark said, citing Asia's $518 billion against $512 billion across the Americas.

''That's not very well known,'' she told the Herald. ''People talked about that cross-over being in 10 years, or 20 years, but actually it was this year.''

Dr Clark and her top executives are meeting Chinese science chiefs to deepen research relationships and forge new markets for Australian innovations.

Australian and Chinese scientists are collaborating on carbon capture technology for power plants, climate change modelling, stem cell medical research, solar voltaic materials as well as studying disease transmission from animals to humans.

Today she will announce the expansion of a Chinese project to use CSIRO scanning technology to spot drugs and explosives inside cargo containers. But she said Australia had to do far more.

China boasts the world's top ranked science and maths school students, 1.6 million scientists and engineers and research spending that is more than six times Australia's.

''We cannot meet that level of investment. It's just not possible, which means we've got to change the way we work,'' Dr Clark said. ''If we stand still, we're dead.''

Japan is Asia's top research and development spender, with China rapidly closing in, and South Korea, Singapore, India and Vietnam all making rapid advances.

The deputy head of the international bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cao Jinghua, said China had raised research and development spending by 20 per cent a year for 15 years, taking it to 1.8 per cent of gross domestic product.

The Chinese government aims to raise that to 2.5 per cent of GDP by the end of the decade, which will exceed Australia's current 2.2 per cent of a much smaller economy. Mr Cao's academy, which is ranked in the world's top 10 institutions in nine different areas of science, compared with the CSIRO's three, said he could learn from the CSIRO's relative success in commercialising its research.

One stand-out example was the technology development arm of Tsinghua University, Nuctech, which held a near-monopoly on China's airport security scanning equipment. The firm was, until recently, headed by Hu Haifeng, the son of the President, Hu Jintao, who has since been promoted to run the holding company.

Mr Hu's successor, Chen Zhiqiang, said that CSIRO gamma and neutron-ray scanning technology had been a ''big help'' in screening air cargo and shipping containers. (Sydeney Morning Herald)

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