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Astronauts Return from China's First Manned Space Docking

Jun 29, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

Three astronauts who fulfilled China's first manned space docking safely returned to earth on Friday morning.

The return capsule of Shenzhou-9 spacecraft touched down in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as planned.

Medical staff entered the capsule and reported the astronauts were in good conditions.

While in the capsule, the astronauts reported to the command center "We have returned, and we feel good."

Jing Haipeng, commander of the Shenzhou-9 crew, was the first to come out of the return capsule, followed by Liu Wang and the country's first woman astronaut Liu Yang.

The three will fly to Beijing after taking physical examinations in ambulance helicopters at the landing site.

(Source: Xinhua)

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