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China Launches Research Project to Boost Mariculture Industry

Feb 16, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

Researchers on Wednesday began work on a scientific research project in east China's ciy of Qingdao to boost the sustainable development of the country's mariculture industry.

The project focuses on the cause and prevention of epidemic diseases in artificially bred prawns and fish, as the two species have great economic and academic value, according to Song Linsheng, a researcher with the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS).

Built with an investment of 36 million yuan (5.7 million U.S. dollars), the five-year project will be worked on by scientists from 12 universities and institutes, including IOCAS, the Ocean University of China and Zhejiang University.

Researchers hope to create a complete theoretical system based on the outbreak and prevention of epidemic diseases in marine animals by the time the project is completed, Song said.

Mariculture, a type of aquaculture that involves cultivating marine animals for food and other products, contributes to export earnings in China. Diseases that affect prawns and fish have hampered the industry's development and caused large economic losses.

(Source: Xinhua)

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