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China Conducts International Space Exchanges, Cooperation in Various Forms: White Paper

Dec 29, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

China has implemented international space exchanges and cooperation in various forms since 2006 and yielded positive results, says a white paper titled "China's Space Activities in 2011" issued Thursday.

China has signed a number of cooperation agreements and memoranda on the peaceful utilization of outer space with a host of countries, space agencies and international organizations, says the white paper issued by the Information Office of the State Council.

China and Russia have signed a number of cooperation agreements on space science, deep-space exploration and other areas, and their national space administrations have opened representative offices mutually, according to the white paper.

In the field of human spaceflight, the two nations have also carried out many cooperation projects, it says.

China has actively promoted the extensive applications of Earth observation satellite data with various countries, and given to many countries free receiving stations for meteorological satellite broadcasting systems and comprehensive systems for meteorological information analysis and processing, it says.

China has also implemented international exchanges and cooperation with a number of countries in frequency coordination, compatibility and interoperability, applications and other international exchanges and cooperation in the area of satellite navigation systems, says the white paper.

It also says China has taken part in relevant activities sponsored by the United Nations and other relevant international organizations and supported international space commercial cooperation.

According to the white paper, China has cooperated with the space institutes of various countries through the mechanism of the "International Charter on Space and Major Disasters" and through this mechanism, satellite data support was provided to the Wenchuan earthquake, the forest fire in Australia and other major disaster relief work.

China has developed multilateral exchanges and cooperation in satellite navigation, Earth observation and Earth science and research, disaster prevention and mitigation, deep-space exploration, space debris and other areas, it says.

China's Beidou satellite navigation system has become one of the world' s four core system suppliers and will gradually provide regional and global navigation and positioning service as well as strengthened compatibility and interoperability with other satellite navigation systems, according to the white paper.

In addition, China actively promotes the participation of Chinese enterprises in international commercial activities in the space field, it says.

China maintains that international exchanges and cooperation should be strengthened to promote inclusive space development on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, peaceful utilization and common development, according to the white paper.

In the next five years, the country's international space exchanges and cooperation will focus on areas including applications of Earth observation satellites in environment and disaster monitoring, global climate change monitoring and forecasting, and marine monitoring, the white paper says.

It will also focus on personnel exchanges and training in the field of space, according to the white paper. (Xinhua)

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