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China Vows to Speed up Internet of Things Development: MIIT

Nov 17, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

China is seeking breakthroughs in key technologies of the Internet of Things (IOT), and says it will strengthen the industry over the next five years, a senior official said Wednesday.

The country plans to step up IOT research in its 12th Five-Year Plan period, to build a comprehensive technology system as well as a set of internationally recognized standards, Yang Xueshang, vice minister of industry and information technology said at a forum held in the southern city of Shenzhen.

Yang said the country will work to promote IOT-related manufacturing, communication and service industries as well as scale up technology application to create an extended value chain.

China has mastered a raft of self-developed key IOT technologies, and made preliminary applications in several fields including transportation, logistics, finance, environment protection, healthcare and national defense.

However, IOT is still a fledgling industry worldwide, and China is facing various obstacles as it attempts to gain new ground.

Further, the country's core technologies and products still lag behind those of developed countries, said Li Li, deputy head of Science and Technology Department under the ministry.

According to Li, China still lacks an advanced integrated service network as well as leading enterprises in the sector. In addition, applications of the technology are still primitive and limited, and there are risks regarding information safety. (Xinhua)

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