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Dinosaur Museum to Open Next May in NW China

Jun 30, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

Construction is underway on a dinosaur museum scheduled to open next May in northwest Gansu Province.

Located in Liujiaxia Dinosaur National Geopark on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the museum will showcase dinosaur fossils, footprints and other items related to the prehistoric reptiles, said Kong Delai, chief of the park's management bureau.

The total cost of the museum is estimated at 12 million yuan (1.85 million U.S. dollars), with a construction area of more than 6,000 square meters, Kong said.

The world's largest dinosaur footprint ever found, measuring 1.5 meters long and 1.2 meters wide, will be among the exhibited items, he said.

The park was established after dinosaur tracks were initially found in 1999 in Yongjing County. Experts have found signs that various categories of dinosaurs lived in the area during the Cretaceous period hundreds of millions of years ago, which has proved significant for dinosaur research worldwide.


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