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China Launches Eighth Satellite for Indigenous Global Navigation, Positioning Network

Apr 11, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

China early Sunday morning successfully launched its eighth orbiter which will form part of its indigenous satellite-navigation and -positioning network. 

A Long March-3A carrier rocket lifts off at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province, Apr. 10, 2010.  (Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang)

A Long March-3A carrier rocket carrying the "Beidou," or Compass, navigation satellite took off at 4:47 a.m. Sunday from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

It will join seven other satellites already in orbit to form a network which will eventually consist of more than 30 satellites.

The launching of the satellite marks the establishment of a basic system for the navigation and positioning network, said an unidentified spokesperson for the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

China will launch more satellites within the coming two years to finish a regional network to provide navigation services with high precision and credibility for industries and sectors such as mapping, fishery, transportation, meteorology and telecommunication, in the Asia-Pacific regions, the spokesperson said.

The network is scheduled to be able to provide global services by 2020. (Xinhua)

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