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China Concludes 5-month Antarctic Expedition

Apr 02, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

A 190-member research team aboard the icebreaker Snow Dragon arrived in Shanghai on Friday, wrapping up a 142-day expedition to ice-covered Antarctica.

For the country's 27th Antarctic expedition, researchers completed 31 scientific research missions, 25 logistical assignments and one international collaborative project while dealing with the continent's harsh weather conditions.

Seismic observation, ozone monitoring and studies of Antarctic land formations were among the scientific missions conducted there. The Snow Dragon also transported supplies for China's Changcheng, Zhongshan, and Kunlun Antarctic research stations.

The team also erected a jade slab bearing an inscription by Chinese President Hu Jintao near the Kunlun station.

The researchers began their expedition on Nov. 11, 2010, when they set out from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.

(Source: Xinhua)

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